Commissioned by: pro mente Reha GmbH
Place: mia – Miteinander Auszeit, Bad Hall
Year: 2018
Format/Technique: Design of the dining area; mobile, graphics; photo documentation
Material: Felt (printed and punched), photo, silk
Participants: Craft-Design Collective KunstRaum Goethestrasse xtd


Places are characterised by their history, by their structural development, by the people who live in them, and
by practices and the goals that are pursued within their space. Beautiful designs can open spaces and make
them more accessible, especially in buildings that are a bit older. Further structural changes to the space can
reopen cracks in this atmosphere and the desire might arise to continue existing designs. This desire does
not merely reflect a simple continuation of the design, but rather a redefinition of the design by introducing
elements based on insights gained through use of the space.
The extension of the design at mia – Miteinander Auszeit – enabled us to address and meet these demands in
a creative way. Due to construction after the first collaborative design, new elements needed to be created
for the space. The existing design in the foyer, which had previously attracted quite a bit of attention, was to
ensure that the users of mia‘s services were not only welcomed but also supported and accompanied by the
design and atmosphere of the space. Hanging suspended from the ceiling, a mobile was designed that does
not show butterflies in-flight, but rather the negatives of their outlines, suspended closely together in the air.
The temporary residents are thereby accompanied by the butterflies on their way from the foyer to the dining
area, both spatially and in their path of experience and development.
These personal experiences are supported by professional supervision and by the design and atmosphere in
the room. Breakthroughs and upheavals in personal development are reflected by the expansion of the language of form and material. In alignment with the butterflies, the negatives create the feeling of a breakthrough,
the felt material in contrast to the previously metal foil used offers warmth and security. The atmosphere of
the room had previously been quite delicate, as the acoustics had been loud and uneasy. Due to the felt mate
rial, the acoustics in the room were improved and the atmosphere further relaxed.